Saturday, August 24, 2013

Entering the world of the blog...

Recently married...recently promoted...on the verge of moving to another continent...why not start a blog?

This is my train of thought on a night returning from the bars and laying in bed unable to sleep. I'm naming this blog "Random Musings" because I have no idea where this blog is coming from or where it is going. I rarely set out on a journey without a destination in mind, so this blog may be a futile effort against my inner self...but why not. I figure it should be a fun way to put down thoughts on my life that I would like to or wish I could share with others. 

I may post interesting articles, odd or beautiful pictures, favorite wines or beers, or inspiring quotes. Or I may just post odd streams of consciousness. And in any event, it will likely be a posting with grammatically incorrect and unknowingly "autocorrected" phrases of an unedited blog. We shall see - I suppose I hope some people stick with me (myself included). 

Feeling inspired...goodnight,